In order to ensure your pleasant stay, Das Fort Boutique applies the terms and conditions mentioned below, which represent the contract between the Guests and the Hotel, under which guests are allowed to use the rooms and adiacent areas. By making a reservation or by staying at the hotel, our guests expressly agree to the terms and conditions presented below.
All requests sent via any booking option are considered a reservation, provided they are confirmed by the Hotel. Reservations are considered guaranteed at the time of payment confirmation.
The applicable fees are those presented in the „Rates” section and are related to accommodation only. All fees are expressed per night and include hotel tax, which do not include extra costs for meals and other services, available at an additional costs. The rates can be modified at any time. However, the tariff increase does not affect the already confirmed reservations. The increase of taxes and duties (T.V.A., hotel tax, etc.) or the introduction of new taxes and duties will have the effect of modifying both the tariffs and the already confirmed reservations.
Invoices must be paid upon presentation, in cash or by credit card, or by paying the proforma invoice issued by the Hotel, via bank transfer. The guest has the obligation to check the details of the invoice before paying the value of the services. The payment has the value of a ferm confirmation of acceptance of the invoice, and the eventual subsequent requests for modification will not be taken into account by the Hotel.
Anularea unei rezervari pana la data de inceperii sejurului, atrage o penalitate echivalenta cu intreaga valoare a serviciilor aferente primei nopti de cazare.
Neprezentarea (no-show sau rezervare neonorata) reprezinta rezervarea confirmata si neanulata in urma careia Oasptele nu a ajuns la Hotel la data stabilita. In cazul neprezentarii clientului la Hotel, suma achitata in avans se retine integral.
Dreptul de Retentie al Hotelului asupra Bagajelor si Bunurilor Oaspetilor
In cazul neplatii de catre oaspete a serviciilor disponibile contra unui cost suplimentar, Hotelul va avea un drept de retentie asupra bagajelor si bunurilor respectivului oaspete, fiind indreptatit de a le instraina in conditiile pe care le va considera oportune, in orice moment, pentru a-si recupera prejudiciul suferit.
Check-in starts at 14.00.
Please present your identity document (identity card, passport, temporary or permanent resident permit, etc.) at the time of completing the Check-in formalities. The allocation of rooms is made according to the availability of the Hotel on the day of accommodation. It is not possible to guarantee a room on a certain floor, adjoining rooms or located in a certain sector. Such requests are considered the preferences of the guests that the Hotel tries to satisfy within the availability limits.
Check-out time is 12:00.
Please inform the staff of the Hotel Reception in case you want to benefit from the „Late Check-out” service. This service can be offered at an additional cost if the room is available.
In case the guest does not release the room at the end of the stay period, the Hotel will have the right to remove them from the occupied room, together with their belongings.
Depending on the availability of storage space, the guests can store their luggage in the storage room, assuming the risk of losing or damaging them for any reason. Luggage cannot be stored for more than 30 days.
Guests are asked to lock the doors of their rooms as soon as they leave. For the safety of our guests’ belongings , each room is equipped with electronic safes for storing valuables.
The hotel cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to guests’ belongings for any reason, including theft.
Access with pets is forbidden inside the hotel. The hotel has the right to refuse the accommodation of guests accompanied by pets under the sanction of canceling the reservation and paying a penalty fee equivalent to the full value of the services related to the first night of accommodation.
Smoking is prohibited inside the hotel, exception being the exterior spaces of the hotel, especially equipped with ashtrays.
The hotel reserves the right to evacuate customers who do not comply with this obligation and to cancel their reservation.
Entering the hotel premises with dangerous or illegal items is strictly forbidden.
The guest takes full responsibility for any loss and / or damage of any kind caused to the Hotel, its staff or other guests and / or guests due to the respective goods or due to non-compliance with any instructions.
The guest has the obligation to check the inventory list of the room, upon arrival, that will have to be handed over in the same conditions upon departure; otherwise, any deficiencies or degradation of the goods in the room will be the guest’s responsibility. If on arrival, the inventory list is different from the inventory items present in the room, the guest has the obligation to inform the Hotel Reception regarding this aspect.
Any usage of household appliances (coffee maker, juicer, iron, kettle, etc.) is strictly forbidden within the rooms of the hotel.
The guest is responsible for acknowledging and respecting these terms and conditions throughout the stay.
Damage caused to the Hotel: the guest will be held responsible for any loss or damage caused to the Hotel through his fault, his guests or any person for whom he is responsible. The hotel will be entitled to debit from the guest’s credit card all the amounts necessary to cover the damage suffered in such a situation.
The guest accepts and undertakes to have a decent behaviour and not cause any discomfort or loud noises within the hotel. It is forbidden to wear shoes on the beds in the hotel rooms. It is forbidden to throw hygienic products and any other things inside the toilet. The guest takes full responsibility for any type of accident (i.e. stumbling on stairs, breaking windows, etc.), including those of his minor children or damage caused by them, the Hotel bearing no responsibility in this regard. The Hotel reserves its right to select its customers.
None of the clauses presented here create any rental or sublease relationship or any other right of use in favour of any guest or visitor, and the Hotel permanently and absolutely keeps its possession entirely over all the spaces of the Hotel.
Complaints regarding the quality of services provided will be made on the spot or during the stay of the guests at the hotel. Complaints made after the end of the stay will not be considered by the Hotel.
Claims for damage caused by theft, destruction or damage to property brought by the Guest to the Hotel must be brought to the notice of the Hotel within 24 hours from the date on which the deed was established.
Protection of personal data: The hotel guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data of all guests. The personal data collected on the occasion of making reservations or in order to provide the hotel or catering services will not be disclosed to third parties, except in cases expressly provided by law.
The rights and obligations of the parties provided by the present terms and conditions, as well as all the legal effects that these terms and conditions produce will be interpreted and governed in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.
All disputes arising from or in connection with the provision of services that form the subject of these terms and conditions will be resolved by the competent Romanian courts materially and territorially.
The use for commercial or public purposes of the photos and videos taken inside the hotel is strictly forbidden, the Hotel not granting any permission to anyone in this regard. Those who violate this interdiction will bear all the consequences provided by the applicable legislation in Romania.
All Hotel employees have their temperature checked at the beginning of every shift.
All Hotel employees wear masks and gloves throughout the work schedule.
Before each new stay, all accommodation spaces are professionally and carefully cleaned with accredited, high quality disinfectant solutions.
The most frequently touched surfaces (reception countertops, stair railings, etc.) are wiped completely and permanently with disinfectant;
A disinfectant mat is present at the entrance to the hotel.
Dispensers with hand sanitizer solutions are installed in all public spaces, so that guests can disinfect their hands whenever they feel it is necessary.
The Hotel reserves the right to modify or amend any of the above terms and conditions at any time it deems necessary, without prior notice.